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Every penny of your money goes towards helping young people take part in what for many is a life changing, and for all, a life enhancing journey as they undertake their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.

We focus on supporting and encouraging young people with significant barriers to participation, young people that would otherwise not get involved.Our Starfish Way Program provides young people with a unique, safe, therapeutic and beautiful environment in which they can achieve, thrive, feel secure, grow and build confidence and hope. By the end of a season with us, the vast majority of young folk secure a Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, a John Muir Award, a First Aid certificate, a Saltire Award and a National Navigation Award. A truly remarkable achievement for them which at the start, they would never have believed possible.

We know the Starfish Way works. It is wonderful to see the young people grow in confidence, show care for each other and the environment, and to feel the joy of achievement and being a team. Equally moving is seeing the pride in the faces of their families.

Without you, this valuable work could not happen. Thank you!

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The Perth and Kinross Duke of Edinburgh's Award Association SCIO is a Scottish Charity, SC051572​, regulated by the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR).