1:1 Referrals
Perth & Kinross Association SCIOAccessing Our Services
Thank you for your interest in our services.
We aim to help break down the barriers that young people face and to help them believe in themselves and develop the skills and qualities needed in life. We do make a difference.
We have a great team of staff committed to helping young people and the adults that support them. We hope we can help you and aim to respond to you within 4 working days.
Individual (1-2-1) Referral Form
Please download, complete and return the form to our Youth Services Manager – 20****@pk****.com“>al**@pk****.com
Please be assured that we adhere to GDPR requirements, our staff are child protection trained, and that we will not share information with any other organization without your permission.

The Perth and Kinross Duke of Edinburgh's Award Association SCIO is a Scottish Charity, SC051572, regulated by the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR).