Frequently Asked Questions
We hope you will find answers to your questions below. If not, please do not hesitate to contact us using the email address or contact form at the bottom of this page.
General Questions
What is DofE?
What is The Starfish Way?
The Starfish Way is a programme of fun and exciting activities designed for you by our staff team. Many of the activities take place in the grounds of Megginch Castle. An amazing place that only we have access to. Your very own castle estate where you can be safe and learn new skills. We even have our own shelter with a firepit where we sit, eat, talk and chill.
Other experiences may take place at the beach, on a walk in the countryside, in a forest, at home or even at our Offices. You will get to choose from a huge variety of activities where you need no prior experience – archery, golf, ice skating, cookery, coastal exploration, bushcraft, building shelters, firemaking, craft skills …. The list can go on a long way!
How old do I need to be for your programmes?
Our bespoke activities and awards are for young people aged 13-25, giving them the skills and confidence they need to succeed in life.
However, the Distance Learning Hub can be used for free by anyone, regardless what age.
How does the Distance Learning Hub work?
The Distance Learning Hub offers sets of modules that contain a minimum of 12 week activities. Using the Hub is free and everyone, regardless if doing a DofE Award, can use the Hub. If you are doing a DofE Award, the Distance Learning Hub is seperated in sections that can count to your Award.
Simply choose a module, make sure to do an activity each week over 12 weeks and if you are having an assessor, collect evidence of your work.
How can I get an assessor for the Distance Learning Hub?
An assessor may guide you through a DofE Award and assesses your work. You will need to show proof that you have accomplished a certain amount of hours to be awarded your certificate.
You can message us for an assessor, who is also a great support along your learning journey.
How much does it cost?
The DofE endeavours to keep your costs down so the current Welcome Pack, which includes the participation fee (per place), is £25.50 for the Bronze Award, £25.50 for Silver and £32.50 for Gold. There may be additional costs for activities and Licensed Organisations that run the DofE, such as schools, may add a small fee to cover administration costs etc.
If a school, club or other operator charges you more than this, it is because they include additional costs to them, such as transport or expedition etc. They must tell you of any additional costs and what they cover.
Everyone receives a DofE Card to get discounts on things like kit and expeditions don’t need to be expensive.
The Distance Learning Hub is free of charge.
How can I support DofE?
We wouldn’t be here where we are today without the generous support of our funders. If you are looking to empower young people, you can find out more about how to support us here.
Is there another way to help DofE?
Transform young people’s lives through volunteering for DofE.
Our volunteers are a big part of us and with them young people are able to achieve their full potential. If you are keen to help, there’s a role just right for you!
Contact us for opportunities in Perth and Kinross.
Have a Different Question?
Email us anytime