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Part-time, Freelance Send CV and Cover Letter to us

Job Details
Help young people be the best they can be – we are looking for experienced Development Workers (ASN/Young People) – Outdoor activities and potential for some indoor learning (yoga for example etc). We are also looking for self employed/freelance sessional Development Workers for our “bank” for expeditions, busy times etc.
JOB TITLE: Development Workers (ASN/Young People)
We are a small dynamic team led by the Director, we have an Office & Administration Manager, Finance Manager, 4 x Outdoor Development Workers, a Social Media Manager, and a young person intern/apprentice, and Ambassador.
HOURS of WORK: 16-30 hours per week @ £12.50 an hour initially – potential to extend subject to funding.
Freelance Development Workers (on our “Bank”) will be paid same rate but on a self employed basis so not entitled to holidays or sick pay. Ours negotiable to fit with other existing work you may have. Potential to move from freelance to employed depending on our capacity needs/performance appraisal.
SALARY and CONTRACT: £12.50 per hour, permanent or “bank” freelance/sessional.
PLACE OF WORK: Perth and Kinross – various locations including Comrie and Megginch. Must have a driving license and access to a car.
APPLICATION PROCESS : Please send CV and covering letter showing how you meet the essentials and desirables listed. Please mark your application DW – Permanent or “Bank” Sessional.
CLOSING DATE : 10th October 12 Noon for permanent posts. Ongoing with no closing date for bank freelancers/sessional
An exciting post to make a real difference to young people’s lives across Perth and Kinross.
We are passionate about removing barriers to support young people to thrive – especially those who have had a challenging start to life. Help build their confidence, learn new skills, achieve and thrive, light whatever is their passion/interest. It will involve the planning and delivery of a range of learning experiences for young people with Additional Support Needs and other barriers/challenges.
The postholder will work in a variety of locations including Megginch Estate, the base for the “Starfish Way” – please visit The Starfish Way for more details. Whilst the emphasis is on outdoor learning and a range of activities, the postholder will be required to contribute to the support of young people in other aspects, including Distance Learning activities (digital), indoor (yoga etc) – as our new Development Worker you will bring a range of skills/interests/qualifications to extend our offer to young people.
The role is extremely rewarding and the postholder will work within a very committed, dynamic, and enthusiastic team. We continue to grow as a small team so there is plenty opportunity to shape our journey. We offer a warm welcome!
Planning, leading and delivering outdoor and/or indoor learning experiences designed to fit the needs of each young person
Health and Safety – Risk Assessment/Management
Registration and support of young people
Policy and procedure development (for different activities) as we grow
Monitoring, evaluating and development of programmes
Supporting, encouraging, and training adult volunteers in the outdoor environment
Outdoor equipment maintenance, storage and security.
Maintaining proactive contact with key staff
Flexibility and good time management
Find out more about the work we do
Casual dress
Free parking
On-site parking
Sick pay
Work from home
- Monday to Friday
- Weekend availability
- Perth, PH2 7HX: reliably commute or plan to relocate before starting work (required)
- ASN/Outdoor Activities: 1 year (required)
- Driving License (required)
- United Kingdom (required)
WORK LOCATION: One location
Established 1991, the Association was set up to advance the mental and physical welfare of young people in Perth & Kinross through participation in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE). However, 5 years ago we identified a gap – there were very few young people with Additional Support Needs (ASN) accessing the Award. We made a pledge to bridge that gap. From there the Starfish Way was born: customisable programmes of outdoor activities, mental and physical wellbeing and opportunities to achieve recognised awards to maximise positive life and employment opportunities. Aged between 13 – 25 years old, these young people are at risk of developing long-term mental health issues, disengaging from education and not achieving positive life destinations.
Support needs range from trauma through adverse childhood experiences (ACE), mental health issues including depression, acute anxiety, poverty, young people in care, neglect or unstable family environments (including emotional and physical abuse, parental alcohol and drug abuse), social, emotional and behavioural issues, antisocial and criminal behaviour, refugees, young carers responsibilities, physical disability and the devistating impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. This year alone 4 families of our young people became homeless because of financial hardship and chaotic family lives. A disproportionate number of our young people self harm to cope with trauma that affects their daily lives. In others, behaviours can manifest in aggression, withdrawal, acute anxiety and chronically low self esteem. All lack confidence, self-belief or ambition.
Working to break the cycle of generational poverty we provide opportunities to achieve 5 certified awards and support each young person towards positive destinations, post school and beyond. Understanding the therapeutic effect of being in nature, all our actiities take place outdoors. Our wide range of activities include archery, paddle boarding, bushcraft, horticulture, beekeeping and outdoor arts and crafts.
The beautiful surrounds of Megginch Castle provide the perfect learning and healing environment. 1:1 Walks & Talks give our young people an opportunity to share thoughts and concerns away from the group, disclosing personal information that is often harrowing. In certain instances, will refer a young person to one of our partner organisations for specialist support where approriate. We offer practical and preventive support for mental health through varied activities and practices – Meditation, including our Walking Meditation Labyrinth, Body Scanning, Mindfulness and Gratitude, Heartmath, Tapping Method and Reiki, to list but a few. We also promote the importance of physical activity as part of regular routine and its positive impact on mental wellbeing. Our holistic approach is an integral part of Starfish Way.
We provide the tools and confidence for all to reach their potential irrespective of the barriers they face. All young people on our programmes have been identified as highly likely to leave school without any qualifications or have left without qualifications. We are working to break the cycle of generational poverty by providing employability programmes with opportunities to achieve Perth & Kinross higher achievement standard and certified awards including –
- Duke of Edinburgh Award
- John Muir (Environmental) Award,
- Saltire (Volunteering) Award
- National Navigational Bronze Award
- First Aid Certificate
All of our work aimed at helping build confidence, self belief and preparing our young people for a positive future. We help our young people to discover their passions in life and provide support with employabilty including:
- identifying long and short term career goals
- CV creation
- job searching
- job applications
- interview prepartation
- work experience and placements
- further eucation and appreciship opportunities
- 1:1 intergenerational mentors
We remove all financial barriers to participation by providing award registration fees, transport, resources and we provide kit, protective clothing and healthy food and nutritional education.
Planning, leading and delivering outdoor learning experiences for young people
- Planning a variety of learning experiences that match the needs of each young person
- Planning experiences that meet the requirements of the DofE Award, the John Muir Award, and the Saltire Award
- Promoting safe practices and risk awareness and management.
- Leadership and delivery of individual and group activities in a variety of locations
- Implementation of strategies designed to support and encourage young people with Additional Support Needs
- Ensuring Health and Safety requirements are met
- Working cooperatively with volunteers and staff of the Association
Registration and support of young people
- Ensure all are supported in the DofE Award registration process and other awards
- Assist in the induction process into the DofE Award.
- Provide assistance in setting up activity plans, uploading evidence, and supporting the young people with their eDofE account
- Regularly monitor sectional work and progress charts for DofE Award
- Ensure all appropriate procedures are followed to ensure safety of all concerned
Monitoring, evaluating and development of programmes
- Report writing for the Board etc
- Monitor and review progress regularly and prepare evidence based progress reports for the Board of Trustees on a quarterly basis.
- Undertake reviews of the activities including the collation of responses from young people, volunteers, staff.
- Use evaluations to develop and improve the outdoor programmes we offer
Supporting, encouraging, and training adult volunteers in the outdoor environment
- Through example, and training, support adult volunteers to participate safely in working with young people in all activities.
Outdoor equipment, maintenance, storage and security
- Ensure equipment used is properly maintained to promote safe and effective use
- Ensure all equipment is safely and securely stored
- Ensure that equipment is stored in a way that promotes easy retrieval and issue
- Report equipment usage, breakage, and maintenance to the Office Manager
Outdoor learning: Knowledge and experience in planning expeditions, walking, navigation, bushcraft, outdoor cookery, “Leave No Trace”, First Aid and teambuilding/working. Qualifications such as Hill and Moorland Leader are very desirable, but not essential. Water boarding, yoga, singing/choir, arts and other interests/qualifications/experienced also welcomed.
Working with Young People: The candidate must have an interest in working with adult volunteers and young people (12 – 25 years). Ideally the candidate will have experience of working with young people (12 -25 years) within a variety of settings (for example within a youth club, youth café, issue-based work, detached or outreach). Ideally have experience of working with disadvantaged young people. Ideally will have knowledge on the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. The candidate must have the ability to cope calmly with difficult or challenging situations and adhere to Child Protection policies (annual training will be provided). The candidate must be able to relate to young people and must be sensitive to the needs of young people, parents and community members. The candidate must have an understanding of the issues that affect young people with additional support needs.
First Aid: First Aid training is required. Training will be provided.
Leadership: Uses appropriate interpersonal styles and methods to support individual young people and volunteers towards specific goals. Participates fully as a leader, demonstrating commitment, sensitivity, honesty, integrity and motivation to achieve Association objectives and targets.
Planning & Delivery – Must have experience in planning and successful delivery of expeditions and other events/activity programmes. Establishes an appropriate course of action for oneself and or others .
Organising: Accomplish specific goals and operates within deadlines while managing their time as efficiently as possible.
Motivation: Focuses energy to make things happen with positive results. A solution focused approach is essential.
Judgement: Makes decisions, analyses data, generates new ideas and is able to determine priorities.
Communication: Demonstrates clear, two way communications at all levels. High level written and oral communication skills
Teamwork: Works with and helps others to achieve common standards. Respects the views of others. Proven relationship management skills.
Initiative: Generates ideas and takes action to solve problems.
Driving: Must have own transport and hold a current UK Driving License. MIDAS qualification would be a bonus but we have funding so happy to sponsor the training.
Interested?! Send your CV and cover letter to us
Please click the button below to send your application to us via email. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

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