Our friends from the Polish Scout Group did a DofE Bronze Expedition on the weekend of March 17-19th. Below you can see and read about the fantastic time they had!

The group used Congregational Church in Perth as a base on Friday night (with a few people from Glasgow and Aberdeen joining) – they discussed route familiarisation, aims, health and safety on the route.

A public bus was used to get to Bridge of Earn on Saturday morning.

There they met a couple with Polish roots (Anna, whose father was a polish soldier who stayed in Perthshire after war and Irvine, whose family house was taken over/used by polish soldiers in 1940s). Old photographs were shown.

Separate groups of four walked along the routes (time separation on the same route), they had a cooked meal and a lot of time together and of course fun!

Simon and Wojciech asked for limited use of phones/ music during the walk.

Simon was walking behind the groups, whilst Wojciech was in the front in a vehicle managing to be in time for “meeting points”. They also displayed “handmade” signage for the public roads – as per RA.

The rain got everyone reasonably quickly into tents and sufficient time was allowed for sleep.

The second day saw sunny weather with Elcho Castle visiting, meals cooked on roadsides and work on expedition aims (Highway Code and Scottish Outdoor Code).

They managed to remove tubes at Woodland Trust Moncreiffe Hill Tay Car Park vicinity, as per the manager’s request, finishing the expedition with a Holy Mass in St John’s RC Church in Perth at 18.30.

Read more about the latest adventures of the Polish Scout Group leading DofE Awards.

You can also find out more about the terrific work of the Polish Scout Association on their social media below.