Happy February!
And welcome to this month’s newsletter.
In the February edition you will find the following topics:
- LGBT+ History Month
- New Module: Upstream Battle Campaign
- Our 5-Year Strategy Plan
We hope you enjoy the February newsletter. If you like to see a specific topic or you have ideas what we should include in the newsletter, 20*************@pk****.com?subject=Newsletter%20Ideas” data-u-link-value=”eyJuYW1lIjoiZW1haWwiLCJhdHRycyI6eyJocmVmIjoibWFpbHRvOnt7ZW1haWx9fT9zdWJqZWN0PXt7c3ViamVjdH19JmJvZHk9e3tib2R5fX0ifSwidmFsdWVzIjp7ImVtYWlsIjoiIG5hZGphLW1hdXJpbmFAcGtkb2ZlLmNvbSIsInN1YmplY3QiOiJOZXdzbGV0dGVyIElkZWFzIiwiYm9keSI6IiJ9fQ==” class=”” data-linkindex=”1″>let us know.
LGBT+ History month
LGBT+ History Month should be acknowledged by everyone, whether you work in the education industry, the tourism sector, you run your own business or if you provide a service to help out others.
LGBT+ History should not be forgotten about. This is why over two decades ago LGBT+ History Month was created by the Co-Chairs of Schools Out UK, Paul Patrick and Professor Emeritus Sue Sanders.
LGBT+ History Month was created to reclaim the hidden past of the LGBT+ Community, to celebrate what the LGBT+ Community have achieved in the present and to envision what the future of the LGBT+ is going to look like in the years that lie ahead of us.

2024 year’s theme
This year’s theme is the LGBT+ Community’s contribution to the field of Medicine and Healthcare both in the past and present-day. It showcases the amazing work that LGBT+ staff members throughout the NHS and in other healthcare settings do daily – and what they have done during the COVID-19 pandemic.
It highlights the history of the LGBT+ community’s experiences of receiving healthcare treatment, which has been extremely complicated, leaving the LGBT+ Community being faced with healthcare treatment inequalities even in the present day.
If you want to know how you stand with and support your local LGBT+ Community, this year you are encouraged to look ‘Under The Scope’ by listening to your local LGBT+ Community’s lived experiences.
If you are planning an event in line with LGBT+ History Month, please invite people who identify themselves as being part of this community and you can add the events that you are planning to host to the School’s Out Official LGBT+ Events Calendar on their website.
Upstream battle campaign
Young people can tackle marine litter as part of their Duke of Edinburgh award and join our Upstream Battle campaign.
his activity is a great way young people can make up their Volunteering hours while contributing to their community and helping us make a national data set for Scotland. We can train you up to feel confident to administer this volunteering activity to young people and support you to acquire equipment for the activity.
Please respond to this form with your email, or contact la***********@ke*******************.org, and a member of our team will be in touch with you with more information about the campaign. You can use this guidance document to support young people to submit surveys via their account.
our 5-year Strategy
Since the Association was formed in 1991, we have been helping young people to build confidence and the skills needed to succeed in life. Thank you to everyone who helped shape our ‘Story Going Forward’. I am delighted to present you with our Strategy 2023-2028!
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