Progress update: Cultybraggan

We are so excited to share with you some progress updates from our Hut at Cultybraggan! Work is progressing smoothly and every week we are closer to opening this facility to Young People. πŸŽ‰
Here’s a wee breakdown of the progress so far.
What are our plans for Cultybraggan? To meet increasing demand, we are opening a second site as an activity center, residential and respite facility at the Cultybraggan World War II Prisoner of War Camp development.
Our plans to renovate the large, double sized hut include overnight accommodation, and disabled access toilets and shower facilities with specialist equipment for those with physical and Additional Support Needs.
Follow us for more info to come soon πŸ™ƒ

Before – Interior photo before work started

18th October – Dividing the rooms of the hut

19th October – Preparing the grounds around the hut

27th October – Base for stove plinth has been installed

10th November – Outside paintwork

20th November – The interior is taking shape

Latest from this week – The stove is installed; painting of the outside walls and decoration of the interior walls